About the Schneiders

We're Stephen & Hannah, and we're so glad you stopped by our little shop! We live in the Twin Cities, Minnesota area with our three little children.

Most of all, we want to help you find goodness and beauty in the everyday items that fill your home. To experience that feeling of peace and satisfaction when something is made from simple, natural materials and actually works well. We're also excited about sharing alternatives to consumerism and cheaply-made products. In our life, this includes re-purposing what we already have, making what we can, avoiding impulse purchases, buying products with multiple uses, shopping at small businesses who sell quality items, and more. Follow along with us on social media, where we want to support you with practical tools for sourcing everyday products intentionally & sustainably.

Here in our shop, we want to be a source for you to order high quality goods straight to your door.

We hope you'll join our vision to think differently about the products you bring into your home and give to others!